TRIESTE – «Our freight activities delivered strong results in Q2, also compared to 2019. Not least the Mediterranean route network continues to do well».This is the statement by Torben Carlsen, Ceo of DFDS.
The second quarter figures show an increase (51%) of DFDS Group revenue and a
Ebitda up 77%, compared with the same period of 2020.
The Mediterranean route (where we can find the services between Trieste and Turkey), in particular, enhance to 25 million euros, driven by volume growth, cost improvements and stable operations. Results also improved for port terminal and rail activities.
Trade between the EU and Turkey continued to grow in Q2 as the depreciation of the Turkish Lira, continued to benefit Turkish exports. Economic activity was robust in
the quarter as growth in the EU and other regions supported industrial production. The Turkish economy is expected to continue to grow, primarily driven by the
export sector, reads in a note of the company.
In recent weeks, DFDS had made it known that it wanted to expand right in Trieste, asking for new spaces to the Port Authority.
DFDS, Mediterranean route boosts second quarter revenues