UDINE – The Municipality and the University of Udine have created a working group to develop projects on the strategic role of Friuli in the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor. Yesterday in Udine, the initiative was presented to the President of the FVG Region, Massimiliano Fedriga, who, together with the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, supports creating a Friuli Venezia Giulia logistics network.
The initiative, named the FriuliEuropa Plan, has the task of developing a project on growth models that generate added value from the international commercial traffic passing through the region. The fabric of Friuli, in fact, is to be considered as a highly industrialised area with a dry port value for the Eastern Adriatic network.
The members of the committee, identified by the mayor of Udine Pietro Fontanini and the rector Roberto Pinton, come from both academic and professional backgrounds and will work completely free of charge. Collaboration with other experts and Italian and foreign academic research centres on specific topics has already been planned.
The declared objective, explained by Mayor Fontanini, is to enable Friuli to recover its historical vocation as a European hub for commercial traffic from the East to the countries of the Baltic area. «In the mission of technology transfer and territorial support and development, to which the University of Udine has always been committed», remarked Rector Pinton, «the establishment of this steering committee is a key moment in the development of projects to revitalise the whole region. The University, in particular, will be able to contribute with all the experience gained in recent years with the studies and projects carried out by the Cantiere Friuli project. The National Reform Programme is an opportunity that I believe the entire territory should not miss».