TRIESTE – A positive traffic trend and a consequent increase – in the current management – of revenues for port and anchorage fees equal to 21 million euros. This is the forecast for the ports of Venice and Chioggia after the approval of the draft budget (the financial year 2022), with attached the triennial budget 2022-2024, the triennial program of works and the annual list of the works. The green light was given today by the Management Committee of the Port Network Authority of the North Adriatic Sea.
A reduction in revenues from state fees (equal to 20 million euros) compared to previous years is also expected, caused by the interventions to support the economy for the Covid -19 emergency, which could also be repeated during 2022.
The requalification of the existing ex Vetrocoke quay, located in the North Shore of the North Industrial Canal of Porto Marghera, is planned within the three-year and annual program of works. The intervention, with an estimated value of 13 million euros, will allow the use of the dock as a temporary berth, for the 2023 season, of cruise ships with tonnage over 40,000 GT that, due to the limitations contained in Decree-Law No. 103 of July 20 2021, can not transit along the Giudecca Canal. The redevelopment includes the preparatory activities, the construction of 200 meters of the new quay on either side of the existing one, the activities of adjustment of the road network and facilities and the preparation of special spaces necessary during operation, the dredging of the seabed with the transfer of sediments.
Other items on the approved agenda include updating the regulations for the provision of temporary port work in the Port of Venice, particularly the tariffs for the Nuova Compagnia Lavoratori Portuali.
The financial statements, which have already received a positive opinion from the Partnership Committee, show an operating income of more than 12.7 million euros, a current gain of more than 16 million euros and a profit of more than 232 thousand euros. In terms of financial management, total revenues amounted to over 62.9 million euros, whilst total expenditure amounted to 70.9 million euros; the estimated surplus of 2021 of over 20 million euros was applied. Finally, financial exposure in terms of loans continues to fall, standing at just over 72 million euros.
Regarding the budget estimates for the year 2022, the president of the Authority, Fulvio Lino Di Blasio, has highlighted the particularity of the moment that the Ports of Venice and Chioggia are experiencing as a result of the pandemic and regulatory changes that emerged during 2021 that inevitably affect the development of the strategy, including financial, of the entity. «The regulatory evolution linked to the implementing decrees of Decree-Law No. 103 of July 20, 2021, to date not yet issued, – said Di Blasio – could lead to change the financial framework of the entity and consequently the forecasts developed».
At the meeting, which saw for the first time the participation of the Secretary General of the AdSP MAS, Antonella Scardino, representatives of the Veneto Region and the Metropolitan City of Venice, the Maritime Directorate of Veneto, represented by Admiral Piero Pellizzari and Francesco De Nardo representing the Board of Auditors were present. Francesco De Nardo representing the Board of Auditors.
Venice and Chioggia, Authority approves budget: more traffic and higher revenues